Saturday, March 27, 2010

the Earth - hour Day

LOL! theres no other title to put so i placed that "earth hour day" on :X anyway today was nice, at least im not bored in the dark, went to alsafa with the buddies and dear, freaking horny and crappy man ! but i seriously loved it, enjoyed laughing with our mouths widely opened :OO hehehe. though im kinda sad when its time to go home D; my ass has stuck to the chair man !

some people are having even more frustrations than me, i should appreciate my life without any other doubts and messed-ups which is even more serious, i must treasure everything :) and to the emos, please cheer up ! i felt really bad as a buddy to see them in this situation and unable to help a thing. well i had advices with me anyway, its Free Of Charge so take it and make full use of it :) lets destroy the world of emoness together alright !!!

youre the only brand of drug that im consuming (loyal huh :P) and you had made the girl wild! you made me think of you every second everyday, having the urge within my heart to hug you, really felt uncomfortable without it, down and also suffers badly. gosh im mad, im really am :P youre also the only one who is able to make me so "exited" whenever im with you, whoa its really my first time a person will make me feel so extreme ! im always yours babe, always yours :DDILOVEYOUDEAR!!!

Btw i spotted a news of Miley Cyrus with her bf Liam Hemsworth on yahoo, had been dating for 10 months already, i guessed they filmed a movie of their love story named "The Last Song" recently ! anyway i found out that miley had got thinner abit as i watched her appearence as a guest aka vocal advicer on the current season of American Idol, whoa she does has the potential to judge the finalists' voices on AI huh? never thought so @@ yup youre right, ive under estimated her, cuz she has this rough voice and rough postures in her music videos -.- plus, one of the contestants sang her song "The Climb" and got knocked out instantly after the nationwide vote, while another one who has the resemblance vocals of hers got kicked off lately as well :O BUT Simon Cowell complimented her profession like OMG ?!

anyway her bf is freaking hot man ! an australian actor :O



the girls behind are envious? LOL


woots passionate !


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