Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tagged by Merilyn ;P

  1. Real Name: Pearly Chua
  2. Nickname(s): PP, BBO, Peace, Pi, Bo Li Chuang (glass window in bc), Bo Li Cai(a type of vege? = =)
  3. Age: 16
  4. Horoscope: Aquarius
  5. Male or Female: Female
  6. Elementary: Tadika Disney
  7. Middle School: SJK(C) Kepong 2
  8. High School: SMK BSD 1
  9. College School: Unknown
  10. Hair colour: Black
  11. Long or Short: Considered long
  12. Loud or Quiet: Depends
  13. Sweats or Jeans: Both
  14. Phone or Camera: Both
  15. Health Freak: Yes, sometimes
  16. Drink or Smoke: Neither both of them
  17. Do you have a crush on someone: Maybe no
  18. Eat or Drink: Both! i love F & B!
  19. Piercings: Each on both ears
  20. Tattoos: Nope
  21. Social or Anti-Social: Social, but weak at it
  22. Righty or lefty: Rightyy
  23. First piercing: When i was 5? or 6?
  24. First relationship: Never, not really ready for one anyway
  25. First Best Friend: 苏佩萍, in kindergarten
  26. First Award: 2nd place in school, kindergarten
  27. First Kiss: Perhaps from my parents? xD
  28. First Pet: An ant, but when missing few minutes later
  29. First Big Vacation: Kuching, Sarawak? well actually that was the place where i was borned
  30. First Love at first sight: Hmm no i think. If so this love is probably been judged by looks
  31. First Big Birthday: I don't know, but my lovely parents celebrates for me since i was a baby :D
  32. First Surgery: Nope, but i do have a few stitches on my right international finger before, terrible experience!
  33. First sport you joined: Does it mean by joining classes? it'll be swimming then.

  1. Orange or Apple juice: Orange juice
  2. Rock or Rap: Rock!!
  3. Country or Screamo: Screamo~
  4. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: NSYNC!!
  5. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Christina Aguilera
  6. Night or Day: Day
  7. Sun or Mon: Sun
  8. TV or Internet: Internet
  9. Playstation or xbox: Xbox!
  10. Kiss or hug: Hug
  11. Iguana or turtle: Turtle
  12. Spider or bee: Spider
  13. Fall or spring: Spring
  14. Limewire or iTunes: Limewire
  15. Soccer or baseball: Non! never tried baseball though

  1. Eating: No, but starving xD
  2. Drinking: Saliva (i'm thirsty can someone get me a drink? xD)
  3. Excitement level: -1
  4. I'm about to: Finish up this tag and get something to eat
  5. Listening to: Paramore - Decode (my blog music) :)
  6. Plan for today: Clean up my room, perhaps
  7. Waiting for: f00d
  8. Energy Level: Energy-lesss
  9. Thinking of someone: Maybe yes, maybe no

  1. Want kids?: Depends on the family plan
  2. Want to get married?: Not till i get a suitable one
  3. When?: After our relationship is strong enough, both careers are stable enough
  4. How many kids do you want: 1 or maximum 2
  5. Any name on the mind: NO? i'm still young ok
  6. What did you want to be when you were little: Criminal lawyer
  7. Careers in mind: NON, i'm ambition-less!
  8. Mellow future or wild: Wild~~~
  9. Something you would never try: Cigarettes, drugs, eat shit, drick urea...uhh GROSS!
  10. When do you want to die: When the true time comes, peacefully
  11. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
  12. Romantic or Funny?: Funny
  13. Shorter or Taller?: Taller! anxiously..
  14. Protective or Caring?: B0TH
  15. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous
  16. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: B0TH!
  17. Sensitive or Loud?: LOud
  18. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
  19. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Hesitant
  20. Muscular or normal: Normal, with a bit of muscle


  1. Kissed a stranger: Nope, what for?
  2. Broken a bone: No.eww
  3. Lost glasses or contacts: Nope
  4. Ran away from home: Nope i'm a good girl :)
  5. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Nooo
  6. Killed somebody: No. OMG
  7. Broken some one's heart: I don't know maybe yes maybe no
  8. Had your heart broken: Nope
  9. Been arrested: Nope, what a good citizen i am ;)
  10. Cried when someone died: Yes
  11. Liked a friend more than a friend: Hmm, yes

  1. Yourself: Yess
  2. Miracles: Yess, life couldn't get better without it!
  3. Love at first sight: No
  4. Heaven: Yes
  5. Santa Claus: Nope
  6. Tooth Fairy: Nope
  7. Kiss in the first date: Yes
  8. Angels: Yes

  1. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: No, but a few
  2. Are you seriously happy in where you're in life now?: Yess
  3. Do you believe in God?: Yes

- Jeen Vern
- Kimberly
- Cia Shien
- Mun Kuen
- Hui Yein

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